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 1. Babak Bazargan  Child Detainees in Iraq   
 2. David Rittgers  Obama Revives Commissions for Detainees  Cato Daily Podcast 
 3. Grace Pastine  Lawsuit against Canadian government for treatment of detainees in Afghanistan   
 4. Dr. Allen S. Keller  Advocacy and Medical Care for Victims of Torture and INS Detainees in the U.S. (audio)  CHIASMOS: The University of Chicago International and Area Studies Multimedia Outreach Source [audio and video] 
 5. Gard Goldsmith  Liberty Conspiracy - 5-26-09 Obama, Cheney, and Bush on 'Detainees', A Music Tax?, Renters' Bill of 'Rights'?  libertyconspiracy's Podcast 
 6. Half-Handed Cloud  Asian Meteorologists Predicted the Heavens to Snow-down a Child a Child to Us  Krimus Karuls 
 7. Half-Handed Cloud  Asian Meteorologists Predicted the Heavens to Snow-down a Child a Child to Us  Krimus Karuls 
 8. Mark Van Doren  The Child at Winter Sunset/After Dry Weather/To a Child with Eyes/Goodnight  His Collected and New Poems 
 9. Adam Graham  Do We Want to Win in Iraq?   
 10. The Impeach Boys  Iraq, You Know   
 11. Julie Grant  Iraq War Vet Wants You To Do What You Like to Do  (c) 2006, WKSU 
 12. MiDoHiTs.CoM - Yasser Abd El Rahman  Al Iraq  Lielt El Baby Doll 
 13. earthling  Free Iraq!  Universe Within 
 14. H.E. Nuri al-Maliki  The future of Iraq  Distinguished Speaker Series 
 15. Bouncing Souls  Letter From Iraq  The Gold Record  
 16. Bouncing Souls  Letter From Iraq  The Gold Record   
 17. Bouncing Souls  Letter From Iraq  The Gold Record   
 18. WING TV  Iraq's Mai Lai Massacre  May 31, 2006 
 19. DUBCNN.COM: Fred Knuxx  Dear Iraq  The Repo Man Mixtape 
 20. DUBCNN.COM: Fred Knuxx  Dear Iraq  The Repo Man Mixtape 
 21. Donald Rumsfeld  Why did the U.S. invade Iraq?  The Invasion of Iraq 
 22. Film Forum  IRAQ IN FRAGMENTS Q and A  Film Forum Podcasts 
 23. earthling  Free Iraq!  Universe Within 
 24. earthling  Free Iraq!  Universe Within 
 25. Major General Jim Molan  Running the War in Iraq  ANU-Toyota Public Lecture Series 
 26. Speech - George H Bush  On the Iraq Bombings   
 27. Stuart Whitmore  Iraq Did Not Attack US On 9/11  Blessings of Liberty 
 28. Malou Innocent  Another Year in Iraq  Cato Daily Podcast 
 29. Akaka  Iraq report  U.S. Senate Democratic Communication Center Radio Broadcast System 
 30. The Flashbulb  Amen Iraq  Flexing Habitual  
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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